
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

One year later...

Wow, I can't believe it's been one year already. What's worse is it's been one year since I've done a review. Well, drought be gone, I'm back! I'm going to start doing reviews again, first off with a couple new items that have hit stores, then I'll slowly fill in some the older ones I started, but never got the chance to post.

I mainly just wanted to post a little update, and also let you know that we're not on facebook, and soon twitter. If you're on facebook, you can click the little logo on your left, so simply go here:


Feel free to join up, post some of your customs, share some of your ideas, or just talk custom talk. Hope to see you there, and for those 3 out there, thank you for hanging in there with me...


Old Sponsors RIP :(